Sacramento County Committee of Safety

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Sacramento County Committee of Safety

Committees of Safety as the Solution (Read below or download PDF)

The Committee of Safety (COS) is a form of civic participation built on a model with historical relevance because it was left to us by the Founders of the Republic. The concept of Committees of Safety came from England and was put to use by the founders to organize against the tyranny of the King, as early as 1692. We can use this history and model to begin to change the culture and take action to enforce the Constitution as a group that will gain recognition and acceptance by the people in this jurisdiction.

The COS is taking on the proper role of a free government to defend the life, liberty and property of citizens inside the boundaries of the county. It honors its purpose of representing and defending God-given rights by claiming and using the authority as a self-governing people to institute a new layer of government. As stated in the American Committee Association’s General Guide (ACA), “This is about a lawful long-term restoration of the existing law that we already have and is not standing in opposition to the existing government. The vision of our founders truly exists, where statesmen serve our country… It was always intended that this should be the end result of properly implemented separation of powers and a republican form of government.” Our purpose and methods are lawful, principled and focused on educating ourselves and the people in Sacramento, regarding the functions of a Committee of Safety, in order to be effective and to pass on to our posterity.

Key Points About and Benefits of a Committee of Safety (COS)

• It was designed to be the local government and operated in the early years of the Republic as such until parties took over and gradually changed the local Committeeman functions into party central committees, wiping out most memory of their original meaning and how they operated with the people keeping local control and vetting candidates for office.

• It is a trust where those who are part of it, are willing to educate both the people who live within the county and the current elected servants about the Constitutions and their relationship to the people along with their duty of protecting the rights of life, liberty and property. The trust, or COS, has a charter that is meant to be passed from generation to generation, which means this is a forward-looking solution that will be making gradual, but drastic changes over time, from the present situation.

• It can take action now on multiple issues. It is not a one-issue organization and as such can address local issues that arise from whatever quarter.

• In these early stages it can influence the culture by bringing back knowledge of the Constitution to the people, using online or print media.

• It can gradually begin claiming authority through documenting the behavior of public officials, by having members of the committee attend the numerous boards, city councils and local meetings of the present government. The decisions and acts of these boards should be collected and catalogued along with public and individual grievances in an organized manner. Part of the attendance is issuing formal notices of grievances to public servants, which also educates them.

• Benefits of bringing people in who are interested in a more active role is that many hands make light work. Four or five people cannot effectively do the tasks outlined above even if they were healthy, had no other obligations and worked at it like a full-time job. Everyone in the Committee is a volunteer and each of us has a life with family and social obligations which require us to occasionally make a choice about our time. However, making the Committee of Safety a top priority and focus of time and energy is a key to its success. Building community with one another, supporting each other and defending each other are all part of that commitment.

• More benefits will come when there can be Committees in all fifty-eight counties of California in a County COS Alliance. More counties united under the umbrella of an Alliance will make it more difficult for State servants to target a single county who has the courage to stand up to the mountains of unlawful bills that are being disseminated in Sacramento. Having committees in cities and towns as well as in the counties, will protect the people living there from the tyranny and usurpation that has changed our American dream into a nightmare over the past 140 years.

As you can see there is a need for dedicated and hardworking volunteers to meet the challenge of our founders to be self-governing. People with various skills and talents are needed to begin making inroads on this aim. If you have come to the understanding and can clearly see, along with the ACA, that it is no longer about right and left, but about right and wrong, please consider joining us in this effort.

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